Pay My Bill

You now have two options to pay premiums on your Catholic Financial Life policies.

Eliminate Debt Goal, Under 33

You can authorize Catholic Financial Life to automatically debit your account on a predetermined date for your monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual premium notices. You will need to complete this form to choose the account where payment is withdrawn. Once enrolled, you will be notified through the mail approximately 10 days prior to the EFT withdrawal (except for monthly).

Download your EFT form today!

Online Payment

Payments will be accepted using your personal savings, checking or business checking account. Once logged in, you have the ability to pay on demand or sign up as an enrolled user where you can set up automatic recurring payments. You will continue to receive paper premium notice(s) notifying you of when your payment is due even if you set up automatic recurring payments.

By clicking the Online Bill Pay button, you will leave the Catholic Financial Life website and be automatically directed to our DirectBiller payment website. You will find your online login ID and password printed on your premium notice(s).

 Pay Your Bill Online Now

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