Next Steps


You've made a great decision in choosing Catholic Financial Life for your financial needs!

Create an online account

This important step will allow you to access account and benefit information 24/7.

I am a new user and would like to:
create an online account


I have already created an online account.
Log me in now

Certificate owners can access:*

  • A summary of contracts
  • Contract detail
  • Loan information
  • Loan information
  • Beneficiary information
  • Annual statements
  • Tax statements

Insured members can access member benefit applications.*

Recommend your friends and family

You can earn $10 for each one that becomes a new member. Click here for more details.

Stay connected and join our online community!

Complete "The Facts of My Life: Instructions to My Loved Ones

Take a moment and document your personal intentions for the loved ones in your life. After completing, save a copy to your computer and share a copy with your loved ones. The booklet will provide them with information as to your final wishes, as well as account information they may need should something happen to you. Click here to get started.
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