In Memory of Julie


In Memory

Julie McMahon, former president of Chapter 278 - Paris, WI, was an energetic leader who loved serving people in her community. For many years, she played a pivotal role in organizing the annual Bowling with Santa event with Chapter 151 - Kenosha, WI, and Chapter 202 - Racine, WI. When she passed away last year, her fellow members, family and friends carried on with the tradition and made sure the event took place.

In Memory of Julie

“Julie was instrumental in not only organizing this event, but many events throughout the years,” said Catholic Financial Life Advisor, Karen Stiles. “She volunteered to help those who were sick, homeless, or in need of love. She was a true inspiration.”

More than 150 people attended the event and wore memorial buttons to honor Julie. Everyone enjoyed bowling, pizza, craft projects, and had the opportunity to win exciting prizes. In addition,

Hermelinda's Family

50 new toys were donated and $600 was raised and donated to St. Vincent de Paul of Racine County. Catholic Financial Life also provided matching funds.

“Julie would have been thrilled to know that the event was such a success to make Christmas special for needy families in our community,” Karen said.

Bowling with Santa is a popular event with attendance growing each year. “It’s heartwarming to see the difference we can make in the lives of people,” Karen said. Chapter members have the opportunity to live out Catholic Financial Life’s mission to serve God through serving others.

Tagged: Faith Family

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