Top Misconceptions About Life Insurance

Top Misconceptions About Life Insurance


The Life Insurance Research and Marketing Association’s 2022 Life Insurance Barometer Study tracks consumer financial trends. The study revealed four widely held misconceptions that keep Americans from achieving the financial security that life insurance can provide.

Misconception 1:
Life Insurance is Too Expensive

More than half of Americans overestimate the cost of life insurance by as much as threefold. This is especially true for younger generations.

The cost of term life insurance for a healthy 30-year-old is around $15 per month.3 Yet, 44% of Millennials estimate it to be more than six times higher—at a costly $95 per month.

This misperception about cost, coupled with prioritizing other financial needs, puts families needlessly at risk of financial hardship should a wage earner die unexpectedly.

Misconception 2
My Workplace Life Insurance is Enough

29% of American workers believe the coverage they get through work is enough.

The median life insurance coverage offered at the workplace is either a flat sum of $20,000 or one year’s salary.1 More than half of U.S. households (54%) rely on dual incomes,2 and for many, losing one income could be devastating to the households’ finances.

According to the survey, 42% of families would face financial hardship within six months, and 25% would suffer financially within a month.

Misconception 3
It is Too Difficult to Buy Life Insurance

Nearly half of Americans (46%) say they have put off purchasing the coverage they know they need. This could be, in part, because they are intimidated by the process.

The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of simplified underwriting. 48% of consumers say they are more likely to buy life insuring using simplified underwriting.

Misconception 4
I Don’t Need Life Insurance Until I Am Older

Younger consumers who do not yet have a spouse/partner or dependents may believe they can put off buying life insurance. In reality, life insurance is significantly less expensive for the young and healthy. Buying a policy can protect their financial future and the financial security of their loved ones.

Nearly 4 in 10 insured consumers wish they had purchased their policies at a younger age.


How does Catholic Financial Life address these misconceptions?

Our Life insurance experts can help you to determine the best solution for your personal situation. Contact your advisor today or speak with a member of our Insurance Solutions team today at (800) 965-2547.



1U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2020. 2Consumer Expenditure Survey, ibid. 320-Year Term Life Insurance policy on a 30-year-old healthy male.

©2021, LL Global, Inc.

15-0060-04/23 Catholic Financial Life is headquartered in Milwaukee, WI. Products and services are not available in all states.

Tagged: Insurance Life Planning products

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